About us

In a data-supported and objective manner the association aims to assess real estate projects and existing individual properties (building construction) as well as real estate portfolios in Switzerland and other countries with regard to the topics of sustainability - economy, ecology and social issues - on the levels of macro location, micro location and property in the sense of a site assessment.
This should allow a benchmark comparison to be made, fields of action to be identified and the development over time to be mapped. Furthermore, rules and objectives including governance issues are recorded, benchmarked and monitored over time. The association relies on a specially developed IT system or rating system (Real Estate Meta-rating and Monitoring on Sustainability REMMS). It assumes responsibility for the maintenance and further development of the REMMS system and can make this available to interested partners outside Switzerland, whereby a harmonisation of the further development is to take place over time. The association is religiously and politically neutral and pursues no self-help purposes, no commercial purposes and does not seek profit. However, it shall be able to cover the development and further development costs as well as the running costs of the IT system (system operator) by means of a fee for the use of REMMS. Statuten des Vereins REMMS (PDF) Handelsregisterauszug des Vereins REMMS (PDF)
Apply for membership
Become a passive member of the first hour with your organisation or as a private person. If you want to actively shape the association, apply to become an active member. If you are interested in joining the expert committees, please contact us.
Become a member
Further active members
Passive members of the first hour
Passive members