Holders of commercial real estate

Manual data entry costs time and money, as does the exchange of information with service providers. That's why REMMS is fully digital and based on information that has already been collected.
Those who do not use a management system can perform the assessment directly on the REMMS website. When doing so, a property must be entered and saved only once. Thereafter, the property can then be reloaded, the properties re-adjusted and reassessed. Existing certified ratings and labels - e.g. SNBS, Minergie, GEAK - can be transferred and used via interface. This ensures that valuable, already existing information can be used. Due to the aspired wide geographic coverage and monitoring over time, the value of REMMS lies in the ability to compare individual properties or small portfolios with a complete set. In addition to being recorded in REMMS, the properties can also be recorded and appraised in valuation applications such as IMBAS. The interface is freely available for connecting other systems and further integrations are currently in discussion. The user fee for the assessment of smaller portfolios is already covered by the membership fee of CHF 250. For owners of few properties the user fee is waived altogether.
Users of a management system should be able to use REMMS directly by means of an interface, so that no additional effort is required. REMMS does not see itself as a competitor to other systems, such as GRESB, SSREI or ESI. On the contrary: Existing certified ratings and labels - e.g. SNBS, Minergie, GEAK - can be transferred and used via the interface. This ensures that valuable, already existing information can be used. Due to the aspired wide geographic coverage and monitoring over time, the value of REMMS lies in the ability to compare the portfolio with a complete set and not «only» with a select choice of comparative portfolios. Additionally it can be a valuable communication tool when comparing one’s own portfolio, for example, with the overall portfolio (including private real estate). Current integrators are immopac, reamis and STREETS. REMMS and IMBAS are available for individual valuations. The interface is freely available for linking other systems. The user fee for the assessment of smaller portfolios is already covered by the membership fee of CHF 250. For very large portfolios, costs in the range of CHF 1'000 per year are to be expected.
With REMMS, every private or institutional owner or investor can analyse their properties with regard to sustainability and receive a comprehensive report. In addition, strategic statements relevant to portfolios are recorded and evaluated in a questionnaire. These, together with the analyses of the individual properties, are integrated in the portfolio report, which takes into account the various standards such as AMAS, ASIP, CRREM, CSRD, GRI, ICMA, KGAST, PCAF, SBA, SFDR, TCFD, etc.